Thanksgiving gay memes

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While you're at it, sharing sentimental Thanksgiving quotes is a great way to remind loved ones how grateful you are for them. The story received media attention after the strangers met for Thanksgiving two years in a row. They're perfect to send to family and friends on Thanksgiving Eve or the morning of as everyone's getting ready for the feast. Thanksgiving Grandma refers to a viral story about a grandmother texting a Thanksgiving invitation to the wrong number and inviting the recipient to dinner after he corrected her. So if you're a connoisseur of Thanksgiving puns and riddles, you'll get a kick out of these silly Thanksgiving memes. These jokes perfectly capture how we feel on Turkey Day, including what's really running through our minds (us, kayaking on a river of mashed potatoes and gravy) and our inability to move the following day. Whether you're looking to make your family laugh at the dinner table or you want to share a few knee-slappers on your Instagram account (accompanied with equally hilarious Thanksgiving captions, of course), these Thanksgiving pictures and memes are guaranteed to bring the laughs. Naturally, there are plenty of Thanksgiving jokes to be made around our food obsession, and the best way to share them is in the form of these funny Thanksgiving memes. It's time to eat, and then eat some more (and then eat some ssert!). When Thanksgiving rolls around, there's only one thing on people's minds: food.

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